Best Ways to Monitor & Protect Your Database


Whereas various attackers are still focusing on the denial of vandalism, typical cybercriminals aim at the database, as that is where the weight lies. Is your data safe? Imagine your company secrets and the organization’s sensitive data accessed by wrong persons? Databases powering the websites have a great deal of information that profit every person with an interest in the company or organizatiom Do not let your hard-earned effort be the reason you will feel unsafe every time. Beat all odds in a few steps.

As a topic, data security on its own is in-depth. But it is essential to keep your business and data safe by these simple practices. At, we provide not only the best security but we have the best formula to handle possible access to your data by unauthorized persons. Enjoy all benefits of datasunrise database activity monitoring solution as your website stay safe from attackers and hackers.

Don’t allow untrusted people to get access to your administrator account. That is where they will begin by hitting — as they take control of your database. Keep your data safe and away from such practices. Learn these steps that will see your data remain safe and undisclosed to wrong people.

Best Ways to Monitor & Protect your Database!

• Encrypt Stored Files and Backup files

Our data security experts estimate that 83% of all websites are quite vulnerable to different forms of attack.

The web application’s stored files often have information about the databases that connect software. This information can easily provide the avenue — which attackers require to access sensitive data if not stored well. So, encrypt your data and stay at peace every time. Also,. Is your data safe from external attackers? What if the attacker is an internal person? Not all data leakages are engineered by external users. Even some possible access by insiders can lead to vulnerability of data security. Don’t disclose your backup to suspicious persons. Encrypt it and stay ahead of security.

• Keep Patches Current

Administrators have ignored this area, but often, it is the most essential way that determines the fate of your data security. Those sites which have the hand of third-party applications, particular components, widgets, other plug-ins, add-ons-find themselves targeted. Do not allow the unverified party to keep tweaking your database. Keep the patches as current as possible.


• Avoid Use of 3rd Party Apps as possible.

Always make sure that third-party applications usage remains insignificant. We all wish to fill our websites with interactive widgets. That’s right! Cool content makes our websites engaging and friendly to visitors. But any app that can pull from any part of the database is a possible threat. Most of these applications programmers can at one time discontinue support for them. Please, don’t install them, unless they are very essential. And if you must do then monitor their progress regularly.

• Enable Security Controls

Whereas most databases are enabling security controls by default nowadays, it isn’t difficult for you to go through as you check these platforms. Always keep a regular check to see if this is done.

Final Thought

Remember that keeping your database safe shifts your attention from the developer to the administrator. Although this can be an added responsibility, it is an essential step. Monitor and keep your database safe from unauthorized access!!